1st Session (March 4)
International Society of Kant Studies in French
Henny Blomme (Université Libre de Bruxelles): The Transition from Critical Ontology to Kantian Metaphysics
Audrey Rieber (ENS Lyon): About the Conditions of Possibility of a Science of Art: The Renewal of the Transcendental Question by Edgar Wind
Günter Zöller (University of Munich): (Re-)Publicity. Kant’s Late Extension of Transcendentality to Law and Politics
Host: Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet (University of Bucharest / Institute of Philosophy of the Romanian Academy)
2nd Session (March 18)
Korean Kant Society
Heisook Kim (Ewha Womans University, Seoul): Knowledge without Transcendental Justification: An Examination of Confucianism through a Kantian Lens
Host: Halla Kim (Sogang University)
3rd Session (April 8)
Chinese Kant Society
Bo Fang (Peking University): The Reception and Development of Kant’s Philosophy in China
Xing Nan (Peking University): Does Kantian Epistemology Have a Future?
Tao Huang (Sun Yat-sen University): Right and Community in Kant’s Legal and Political Philosophy
Weijia Wang (Fudan University): What Can We Learn from Kant’s Biological Teleology Today?
Yunfei Yang (Wuhan University): Three Levels of Enlightenment Thinking in Kant’s Philosophy
Host: Lei He (Tongji University)
4th Session (April 15)
Canada Kant Group (NAKS)
Paul Abela (Acadia University): Kant on Representation: Confronting a World
Luc Langlois (Université Laval): Kant: the Consistent Aufklärer
Alice Pinheiro Walla (McMaster University): Kant on Property and International Law
Charlotte Sabourin (Douglas College): Kant’s Contribution to the Infanticide Debate
Host: Corey W. Dyck (Western University)
5th Session (April 29)
Italian Kant Society
Jessica Segesta (University of Palermo): Ontology as immanent thinking and the concept of transcendental objectivity
Lorenzo Sala (University of Milan): Thinking in Images and Thinking in Signs: Kant's Criticism of the Definition of Judgement of the Logicians in §19 of the B Deduction
Host: Gabriele Gava (University of Turin)
6th Session (May 17)
North American Kant Society
Helga Varden (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign): Sex, Race, and Gender – Kantian Ways Forward
John Walsh (Martin Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg): Kant's Principia Diiudicationis and Executionis
Martina Favaretto (University of Toronto): A Kantian Account of Aesthetically Sublime Rage
Host: Robert Clewis (Gwynedd Mercy University)
7th Session (May 29)
Greece Kant Group
Konstantinos Androulidakis (University of Crete): Kant in Greece in the 20th Century
Stelios Virvidakis (University of Athens): The Reception in Greece of Some Contemporary Interpretations of Kant’s Philosophy
Marialena Karampatsou (University of Athens): Intellect and Reality: On Kant’s Platonism
Jannis Pissis (University of Crete): Kant on the Dawn of Philosophy
Host: Dimitris Karydas (University of Athens)
8th Session (June 13)
Türkiye Kant Society
Lale Levin Basut (Yeditepe University): Schemata as Conceptus Reflectentes
Umut Eldem (Doğuş University): The Unity of Reason Revisited
Host: Selda Salman (Kultur University)
9th Session (June 26)
Israel Kant Group
Moran Godess-Riccitelli (Bar-Ilan University/University of Potsdam): Aesthetic Disinterestedness and Boredom
Attay Kremer (Tel Aviv University): Corporeality in Kant's Opus Postumum
Respondent: Noam Hoffer (Bar-Ilan University)
Host: Ido Geiger (Ben-Gurion University)
10th Session (July 8)
Lisbon Kant Group
David Baumeister (University of Stuttgart): Lisbon 1755: Dawn of the Kanthropocene
Host: João Lemos (Nova University of Lisbon)
11th Session (July 22)
Brazilian Kant Society
Joel Klein (Federal University of Paraná): Kant in Brazil
Sílvia Altmann (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul): Empirical Realism in Transcendental Idealism
Host: Giorgia Cecchinato (Federal University of Minas Gerais)
12th Session (July 29)
Indian Kant Group
Vivek Radhakrishnan (Krea University): Kant and India
Kanchana Mahadevan (University of Mumbai): Rereading Kant on the Human-Nature Relationship: Beyond Chakrabarty’s “Crisis of an Enduring Kantian Fable”
Apaar Kumar (Ahmedabad University): Kant’s Transcendental Strategy and the Notion of Coordination
Nishad Patnaik (IIIT-Delhi): Transcendental Logic and Method in the First Critique
Host: Raghurama Raju A. (IIT Tirupati)
13th Session (August 5)
Society of Kant Studies in Spanish
Gustavo Cruz (National University of San Martín - Argentina): The Discursive Basis of the Concept and Its Necessary Modalization in Kant's Philosophy
Marilú Martinez-Fisher (Panamerican University - Mexico): The Categorical Imperative and the Doctrine of Law: A Necessary but Indirect Relationship
Marcos González García (Complutense University of Madrid): The Role of Judgement in the Kantian Understanding of Law
Host: Ileana Beade (National University of Rosario)
14th Session (August 19)
Mexican Kant Group (NAKS)
Julia Muñoz (National Autonomous University of Mexico): The Kantian Limits of Tourism in a Globalized Era
Gustavo Leyva (Metropolitan Autonomous University): Linien der Kant-Rezeption in der Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts
Host: Efraín Lazos (National Autonomous University of Mexico)
15th Session (September 2)
Kant Society in Egypt
Addison Ellis (American University in Cairo): The Temporal Difference and Timelessness in Kant and Heidegger
Richard Fincham (American University in Cairo): To What Extent is the Inaugural Dissertation Dogmatic?
Ahmed Abdel-Meguid (American University in Cairo): The Ideal of God as a reflective ratio essendi and cognoscendi of Aesthetic Judgment: A New Perspective on the Relationship between Aesthetic Judgment, Morality and Rational Religion
Host: Alessandro Topa (American University in Cairo)
16th Session (September 17)
Norwegian Kant Society
Reidar Maliks (University of Oslo): Perfection through Participation: Johann Adam Bergk on Democracy
Elisabeth Widmer (University of Oslo): Johann Benjamin Erhard on Economic Injustice
Michael Kryluk (University of Oslo): Kant and Democracy: Problems and Possibilities
Host: Feroz Mehmood Shah (University of Oslo)
17th Session (October 3)
Australasian Kant Group
Melissa Merritt (The University of New South Wales): Friendship and the Kantian Ethical Commonwealth
Eric Nelson (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology): Kant, Autonomy, and Formation (Bildung)
Cheng-Hao Lin (National Tsing Hua University): The Regulative Role and the Cognitive Contribution of Reason in Kant’s Appendix to the Transcendental Dialectic
Kienhow Goh (National University of Singapore): Kant's Aesthetic of Feeling
Host: Plato Tse (National Chengchi University Taipei)
18th Session (October 7)
Kant in Romania
Titus Lateș (Romanian Academy): Translations and Interpretations of Kant's Work in Romanian
Claudia Șerban (University of Toulouse): Transcendental Philosophy and Anthropology
Marius Augustin Drăghici (Romanian Academy): Heuristic Aspects Concerning Mathematics in Kant's work
Host: Rodica Croitoru (Romanian Academy)
19th Session (October 23)
Kant Sudies in Argentina and Chile
Laura Pelegrín (University of Buenos Aires): Mario Caimi´s Interpretation of Kant
Comments by Martín Obreque, University Diego Portales
Alejandra Baehr (University Alberto Hurtado): The Regulative Idea of the Soul in Appendix to the Transcendental Dialectic
Comments by Juán Vargas, University Diego Portales
Marcos Thisted (University of Buenos Aires): On the composition of the Fortschritte der Metaphysik: a Critical Review of the Academy Edition of the Last Kantian Preisschrift
Host: Hernán Pringe (University Diego Portales/University of Buenos Aires)
20th Session (November 4)
Kant Scholars from Sub-Saharan Africa
Oritsegbubemi Oyowe (University of the Western Cape): Why the memory of Kant evokes traditions of thought from elsewhere
Bernard Matolino (University of Pretoria): What could Kant mean for a black African philosopher like me?
Jessica Lerm (University of Western Cape): What can Kant learn from African Philosophy? (And vice versa?)
Motsamai Molefe (University of South Africa) Human dignity and Being in the World
Rodrigue Nzameyo (University of Yaoundé I): Kant's philosophy, between experience and speculation: challenges for philosophical practice in our time
Edwin Etieyibo (University of the Witwatersrand): Kant in the Academy in Africa
Host: Lucy Allais (Johns Hopkins University/University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg)
21st Session (November 20)
Immanuel Kant Society in Ukraine
Vitali Terletsky (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine): Kant-Gesellschaft in Ukraine
Viacheslav Tsyba (National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy): Analytic Kantianism: The View from Ukraine
Volodymyr Abaschnik (Kharkiv National Medical University): Kant in der ukrainischen Universitätsphilosophie: von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart
Host: Viacheslav Tsyba (National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy)
22nd Session (November 27)
Japanese Kant Society
Airi Nakano (Waseda University): Kant’s Radical Evil and the Idea of Ethical Commonwealth
Ryosuke Igarashi (Kyoto University): How Concepts are Expanded: The Problem of "Definition" in Kant's Theory of Concept Formation
Host: Toshiro Terada (Sophia University)
23rd Session (December 5)
Lucia Volonté (University of Mainz): Kant on Transcendental Freedom: A Comparison between the "Notes on Metaphysics" and the Third Antinomy
Jing Gao (University of Halle): Transcendental and Practical Freedom in the Critique of Pure Reason: A Possible Solution to the Canon Problem
Julian Grewe (University of Luxembourg): Transcendental Illusion in Kant's Dialectic of Teleological Judgment
Host: Konstantin Pollok (University of Mainz)
24th Session (December 19)
UK Kant Society
Adrian Moore (University of Oxford): Kant on Freedom and Determinism)
Representatives from Mind, BJHP, EJP & PAS: Panel Discussion with Q & A on Publishing on Kant
Host: Jessica Leech (King's College London)
Part 1: Talk & Closing Remarks
Part 2: Publishing Q & A