Recorded Sessions

All sessions are recorded and archived both below and on the  VKC YouTube channel

1st Session (March 4) 

International Society of Kant Studies in French

Henny Blomme (Université Libre de Bruxelles): The Transition from Critical Ontology to Kantian Metaphysics 

Audrey Rieber (ENS Lyon): About the Conditions of Possibility of a Science of Art: The Renewal of the Transcendental Question by Edgar Wind 

Günter Zöller (University of Munich): (Re-)Publicity. Kant’s Late Extension of Transcendentality to Law and Politics

Host: Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet (University of Bucharest / Institute of Philosophy of the Romanian Academy)

2nd Session (March 18) 

Korean Kant Society

Heisook Kim (Ewha Womans University, Seoul): Knowledge without Transcendental Justification: An Examination of Confucianism through a Kantian Lens

Host: Halla Kim (Sogang University)

3rd Session (April 8) 

Chinese Kant Society

Bo Fang (Peking University): The Reception and Development of Kant’s Philosophy in China 

Xing Nan (Peking University): Does Kantian Epistemology Have a Future? 

Tao Huang (Sun Yat-sen University): Right and Community in Kant’s Legal and Political Philosophy 

Weijia Wang (Fudan University): What Can We Learn from Kant’s Biological Teleology Today? 

Yunfei Yang (Wuhan University): Three Levels of Enlightenment Thinking in Kant’s Philosophy

Host: Lei He (Tongji University)

4th Session (April 15

Canada Kant Group (NAKS)

Paul Abela (Acadia University): Kant on Representation: Confronting a World 

Luc Langlois (Université Laval): Kant: the Consistent Aufklärer 

Alice Pinheiro Walla (McMaster University): Kant on Property and International Law 

Charlotte Sabourin (Douglas College): Kant’s Contribution to the Infanticide Debate

Host: Corey W. Dyck (Western University)

5th Session (April 29

Italian Kant Society

Jessica Segesta (University of Palermo): Ontology as immanent thinking and the concept of transcendental objectivity

Lorenzo Sala (University of Milan): Thinking in Images and Thinking in Signs: Kant's Criticism of the Definition of Judgement of the Logicians in §19 of the B Deduction

Host: Gabriele Gava (University of Turin)

6th Session (May 17

North American Kant Society

Helga Varden (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign): Sex, Race, and Gender – Kantian Ways Forward 

John Walsh (Martin Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg): Kant's Principia Diiudicationis and Executionis 

Martina Favaretto (University of Toronto): A Kantian Account of Aesthetically Sublime Rage

Host: Robert Clewis (Gwynedd Mercy University)

7th Session (May 29

Greece Kant Group

Konstantinos Androulidakis (University of Crete): Kant in Greece in the 20th Century 

Stelios Virvidakis (University of Athens): The Reception in Greece of Some Contemporary Interpretations of Kant’s Philosophy 

Marialena Karampatsou (University of Athens): Intellect and Reality: On Kant’s Platonism 

Jannis Pissis (University of Crete): Kant on the Dawn of Philosophy

Host: Dimitris Karydas (University of Athens)

8th Session (June 13

Türkiye Kant Society

Lale Levin Basut (Yeditepe University): Schemata as Conceptus Reflectentes 

Umut Eldem (Doğuş University): The Unity of Reason Revisited

Host: Selda Salman (Kultur University)

9th Session (June 26

Israel Kant Group

Moran Godess-Riccitelli (Bar-Ilan University/University of Potsdam): Aesthetic Disinterestedness and Boredom

Attay Kremer (Tel Aviv University): Corporeality in Kant's Opus Postumum

Respondent: Noam Hoffer (Bar-Ilan University)

Host: Ido Geiger (Ben-Gurion University)

10th Session (July 8

Lisbon Kant Group

David Baumeister (University of Stuttgart): Lisbon 1755: Dawn of the Kanthropocene

Host: João Lemos (Nova University of Lisbon)

11th Session (July 22

Brazilian Kant Society

Joel Klein (Federal University of Paraná): Kant in Brazil 

Sílvia Altmann (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul): Empirical Realism in Transcendental Idealism

Host: Giorgia Cecchinato (Federal University of Minas Gerais)

12th Session (July 29

Indian Kant Group

Vivek Radhakrishnan (Krea University): Kant and India

Kanchana Mahadevan (University of Mumbai): Rereading Kant on the Human-Nature Relationship: Beyond Chakrabarty’s “Crisis of an Enduring Kantian Fable”

Apaar Kumar (Ahmedabad University): Kant’s Transcendental Strategy and the Notion of Coordination

Nishad Patnaik (IIIT-Delhi): Transcendental Logic and Method in the First Critique

Host: Raghurama Raju A. (IIT Tirupati)

13th Session (August 5

Society of Kant Studies in Spanish

Gustavo Cruz (National University of San Martín - Argentina): The Discursive Basis of the Concept and Its Necessary Modalization in Kant's Philosophy

Marilú Martinez-Fisher (Panamerican University - Mexico): The Categorical Imperative and the Doctrine of Law: A Necessary but Indirect Relationship

Marcos González García (Complutense University of Madrid): The Role of Judgement in the Kantian Understanding of Law

Host: Ileana Beade (National University of Rosario)

14th Session (August 19

Mexican Kant Group (NAKS)

Julia Muñoz (National Autonomous University of Mexico): The Kantian Limits of Tourism in a Globalized Era

Gustavo Leyva (Metropolitan Autonomous University): Linien der Kant-Rezeption in der Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts

Host: Efraín Lazos (National Autonomous University of Mexico)

15th Session (September 2

Kant Society in Egypt

Addison Ellis (American University in Cairo): The Temporal Difference and Timelessness in Kant and Heidegger

Richard Fincham (American University in Cairo): To What Extent is the Inaugural Dissertation Dogmatic?

Ahmed Abdel-Meguid (American University in Cairo): The Ideal of God as a reflective ratio essendi and cognoscendi of Aesthetic Judgment: A New Perspective on the Relationship between Aesthetic Judgment, Morality and Rational Religion

Host: Alessandro Topa (American University in Cairo)

16th Session (September 17

Norwegian Kant Society

Reidar Maliks (University of Oslo): Perfection through Participation: Johann Adam Bergk on Democracy

Elisabeth Widmer (University of Oslo): Johann Benjamin Erhard on Economic Injustice

Michael Kryluk (University of Oslo): Kant and Democracy: Problems and Possibilities

Host: Feroz Mehmood Shah (University of Oslo)

17th Session (October 3

Australasian Kant Group

Melissa Merritt (The University of New South Wales): Friendship and the Kantian Ethical Commonwealth

Eric Nelson (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology): Kant, Autonomy, and Formation (Bildung)

Cheng-Hao Lin (National Tsing Hua University): The Regulative Role and the Cognitive Contribution of Reason in Kant’s Appendix to the Transcendental Dialectic

Kienhow Goh (National University of Singapore): Kant's Aesthetic of Feeling

Host: Plato Tse (National Chengchi University Taipei) 

18th Session (October 7

Kant in Romania

Titus Lateș (Romanian Academy): Translations and Interpretations of Kant's Work in Romanian

Claudia Șerban (University of Toulouse): Transcendental Philosophy and Anthropology

Marius Augustin Drăghici (Romanian Academy): Heuristic Aspects Concerning Mathematics in Kant's work

Host: Rodica Croitoru (Romanian Academy) 

19th Session (October 23

Kant Sudies in Argentina and Chile

Laura Pelegrín (University of Buenos Aires): Mario Caimi´s Interpretation of Kant

Alejandra Baehr (University Alberto Hurtado): The Regulative Idea of the Soul in Appendix to the Transcendental Dialectic 

Marcos Thisted (University of Buenos Aires): On the composition of the Fortschritte der Metaphysik: a Critical Review of the Academy Edition of the Last Kantian Preisschrift 

Host: Hernán Pringe (University Diego Portales/University of Buenos Aires)

20th Session (November 4

Kant Scholars from Sub-Saharan Africa

Oritsegbubemi Oyowe (University of the Western Cape): Why the memory of Kant evokes traditions of thought from elsewhere 

Bernard Matolino (University of Pretoria): What could Kant mean for a black African philosopher like me? 

Jessica Lerm (University of Western Cape): What can Kant learn from African Philosophy? (And vice versa?) 

Motsamai Molefe (University of South Africa) Human dignity and Being in the World 

Rodrigue Nzameyo (University of Yaoundé I): Kant's philosophy, between experience and speculation: challenges for philosophical practice in our time 

Edwin Etieyibo (University of the Witwatersrand): Kant in the Academy in Africa 

Host: Lucy Allais (Johns Hopkins University/University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg)

21st Session (November 20) 

Immanuel Kant Society in Ukraine

Vitali Terletsky (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine): Kant-Gesellschaft in Ukraine 

Viacheslav Tsyba (National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy): Analytic Kantianism: The View from Ukraine 

Volodymyr Abaschnik (Kharkiv National Medical University): Kant in der ukrainischen Universitätsphilosophie: von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart 

Host: Viacheslav Tsyba (National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy)

22nd Session (November 27) 

Japanese Kant Society

Airi Nakano (Waseda University): Kant’s Radical Evil and the Idea of Ethical Commonwealth 

Ryosuke Igarashi (Kyoto University): How Concepts are Expanded: The Problem of "Definition" in Kant's Theory of Concept Formation 

Host: Toshiro Terada (Sophia University)

23rd Session (December 5


Lucia Volonté (University of Mainz): Kant on Transcendental Freedom: A Comparison between the "Notes on Metaphysics" and the Third Antinomy 

Jing Gao (University of Halle): Transcendental and Practical Freedom in the Critique of Pure Reason: A Possible Solution to the Canon Problem 

Julian Grewe (University of Luxembourg): Transcendental Illusion in Kant's Dialectic of Teleological Judgment 

Host: Konstantin Pollok (University of Mainz)

24th Session (December 19

UK Kant Society

Adrian Moore (University of Oxford): Kant on Freedom and Determinism)

Representatives from Mind, BJHP, EJP & PAS: Panel Discussion with Q & A on Publishing on Kant

Host: Jessica Leech (King's College London) 

Part 1: Talk & Closing Remarks

Part 2: Publishing Q & A